
What is the Pollinator Pathway?

What if all our urban community garden islands had pollinator pathways leading to them from our large, continuous open spaces? A group in Seattle isn't forgetting the value of our native pollinators in their community. This neighborhood has joined forces to transform the sterile strip of narrow land between their road and sidewalk (commonly referred to as the "death strip") to a floriferous insect freeway for our native pollinators. This pollinator pathway is intended to connect 2 neighborhood green spaces, Seattle University and Nora's Woods. Find out more about what this community is doing at their website.

To learn more specifically about which native plant species attract our native butterflies and moths, visit Dr. Doug Tallamy of the University of Delaware's website and download his extensive database of native plant species and which butterflies and moths they attract.

For attracting bees, look to the University of Georgia if you are in the southeast. If you haven't heard, bees are in great decline and may be attributed to the pesticide clothianidin. To learn more about this pesticide, check out a film about it called, Nicotine Bees and if you feel passionate about it, sign a petition to the EPA to ban clothianidin here.

If you're ready to learn more about our pollinator friends, check out the Xerces Society's bookstore

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